Join Delupe - Your trusted partner in
online shopping service

Delupe is one of the most experienced partners in CSS and we work solely to increase the online sales value for your shop. We help merchants maximize their profits from Shopping ads using our advanced smart bidding system.

Founded in 2012, Delupe embarked on a journey to revolutionize online retailing by bridging the gap between merchants and consumers through our specialized online shopping services.

  • Starting with a vision to simplify shopping experiences and drive growth for businesses, we have grown into a trusted partner for over 10,000 merchants across Europe, US, Canada, and Australia.
  • Our platform offers a unique advantage to merchants. Through our sophisticated targeting and tracking tools, you can ensure that your ads reach the right audience, driving effective results.
  • We provide detailed analytics and performance metrics, empowering you to monitor campaign success and make informed decisions to enhance your outcomes.

Start your Google and Bing
shopping at your fingertips

Boost your sales

With our dedicated team, we focus not just on the number of clicks but also on the quality traffic from the right customers that could potentially result in higher sales and conversions.

Spend at your convenience

Our in-house bidding system ensures smart bidding and offer our Merchants the flexibility of deciding their budget and expenditure at their convenience. Moreover, partnering with us as a premium CSS partner lead to cost savings through reduced advertising fees.

Technical Expertise

Delupe provides ongoing support and technical expertise, empowering businesses to adapt and thrive in dynamic digital landscapes.

  • 12
  • Y+


  • 20,000
  • +


  • 300
  • M+


  • 80
  • M+


Expand Your Audience and Drive sales higher by joining with Delupe

Advertise your products to millions of people

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